
The Arts and Sciences Graduate Council is administered by seven operating committees, each led by a committee chair, as well as ad hoc committees that are established as needed. Each committee serves a specific purpose, as outlined below:

  • The Quality of Life committee works toward the improvement of the quality of life of students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in any and all areas relevant to graduate student life, in particular in cooperation with relevant University offices and other student bodies.
  • The Events Committee establishes social, academic, and cultural events intended to build the community of GSAS graduate students. All members are expected to plan, organize, and volunteer at ½ of all ASGC happy hours (Thursday Evening Arts & Science Events).

The DEI Subcommittee focuses on fostering a community between departments, to not only find interdisciplinary solidarity but to also collaborate in creating a set of goals or guidelines that should be seen across all of GSAS. Members are expected to attend monthly meetings to share any DEI progress made within their department and initiatives that could be implemented in other departments.

  • Responsible for improving quality of life for Masters Students and improving Masters Student participation
  • Responsible for providing Events Co-Chairs with ideas for Masters specific ideas
  • Responsible for identifying any changes in the Masters programs at Columbia including the addition or removal of specific programs.
  • Responsible for helping in event brainstorming with Events Committee for following Orientation week in the fall.